The Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) recently received a copy of
“The Gram,” a newsletter produced by the Proctorsville Grammar School and labeled
Vol.II No. 2.
Some of the names associated with the publication include Lillian
Place, Eileen Pickett, Beth Sheehan, Howard Parker (Grade 4), and Vesta Shaw.
Some of the “sponsors” include: The Handy Market; Wells Market; “If you need a
barber see La Plante;” U.S. Savings Bonds at Post Office; Coal and Wood John
Smith; Meals Lawrence’s Restaurant; Rooms Meals Excellent Food New Proctor
Hotel; If a carpenter you need-Joseph
Punalla can do the deed; Service thru the__years, Service Now, Xmas goods
Pollard’s Store; Visit the Texaco Station.
CHS believes the date of the publication is most likely fall 1937.
With the closing of Black Bear Mill in Proctorsville that year, Bill Lawrence opened
Lawrence’s Restaurant in the Fraternal Building (today Village Clippers). He
closed the eatery in 1941, which was replaced by Mae’s Restaurant.