By now most people
know that Carmine Guica, one of the founders of the Cavendish Historical
Society and former President, died on Nov. 23. You can read about his amazing
life at the CHS blog or in the fall Scribbler II. Note that the newsletter was delayed in order to include information about
Carmine and should be in the mail next week.
Please note that CHS
will be at Saturday’s Abundance Swap, Dec. 3 in the Cavendish Town Elementary
School (CTES) multi purpose room from 9-11:30. We will have copies of both
Carmine’s autobiography and Alkesandr
Solzhenitsyn: The Writer Who Changed History. The latter can be autographed.
Both books sell for $15 and are also available at the Cavendish Town Office
during normal working hours. Be advised that copies of Carmine’s autobiography
are limited.
School Program: The 5th grade once again
celebrated Dia de los Muertos, by making some of the crafts associated with Day
of the Dead. As part of their unit on other cultures, on Dec. 2, one of the
archeologists we’re working with on the dig in West Haven, VT, will be talking
to the students about Mayan ball courts. Ellie Moriarity and her husband Matt excavated
a ball court in Guatemala, which was Matt’s doctoral dissertation.

Museum/Stone Church: Holiday decorations are up, and include the
War Memorial this year. Lights are on in the Stone Church. Thought it may not
be evident, work is underway on the belfry. All of the replacement beams have
been cut and if the weather holds, they can be replaced in the next week. We’ll
take lots of pictures.
In addition to the
6th graders making poppies for Carmine’s funeral on Dec. 1, the big
activity for December is CHS’s annual day-long holiday program for CTES. Each
year we pick a theme based on the cultures of those who helped to create
Cavendish. This year’s theme is South of the Border as we have a number
of people who have come to Cavendish from Mexico, El Salvador etc. Most have
sought sanctuary here.
Two of the projects come directly from Cavendish residents. Years ago Jose
Aleman, his children graduated from CTES, showed us how they made papel picado
(paper cuts) in El Salvador, which the 2nd graders will be doing.
Ernestine (Stine) van Schak has spent a
large part of her adult life working in South America. She now comes to
Cavendish for about two months in the summer and recently sent us a project she
does with young children. The 6th graders will be helping the
kindergartners with this project.
Additional projects will include: Wool stars (1st grade/Peru);
tropical fruit paper ornaments (3rd grade/Brazil); stars or soda can
art (4th grade/common through
out the continent); and poinsettias (5th grade).
The 6th grade is working on making piñatas for every class,
which can be “opened” on the last day of school.
If you can help with any of the following, please contact CHS;
802-226-7807 or PO Box 472, Cavendish, VT 05142
• Items are needed for the piñatas, such as hard wrapped candy (no
chocolate or nuts); small toys and other items. If you would like to donate
items, please drop off at the school before Dec. 14.
• Volunteers are needed to help the 6th graders with the
piñatas. They will be working on Monday afternoons on Dec. 5 and Dec. 12.
• CHS is currently conducting its annual appeal campaign, please donate
and/or renew your membership.