Please also check the Cavendish VT Facebook page for photo albums of various Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) activities.
Over the holidays, we’ve had a chance to talk
to a member of the school board as well
as various people in the community. Again and again the issue of “local
control,” and networking school and community keeps surfacing. So with the new
year, we been considering how CHS might be able to help with this issue.
SOCIETIES AS ELDER UNIVERSITIES: Small historical societies like Cavendish’s have
a unique opportunity to be mini “elder universities” where knowledge of a
town’s past and how things have been done are well remembered by board members
and visitors alike. But how we take this incredible knowledge and share it
with the community is an important question. There are various programs for
our elders to participate in “life long learning,” but far less opportunities
for our elders to teach skills and life lessons that took them years to
CHS is fortunate to have the Carmine Guica
Young Historians Program (CGYHP). To help insure that our elders are part of
the teaching process, we are providing CTES teachers-as well as anyone else who
is interested-with a “Cavendish Speaker’s Bureau” list. If you have a special
skill, or an interesting part of Cavendish history to share, or if you are
interested in having a copy of the list, please e-mail or call 802-226-7807
PHINEAS GAGE & SOLZHENITSYN HAD IN COMMON: As we’ve been mentioning, 2018 is the 100th
anniversary of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s birth as well as the 170th
anniversary of Gage’s accident. Neither man was from Cavendish, yet their fates
are very much linked to this tiny town. Besides the Cavendish connection and
being historical figures, do they share anything else in common?

More discussion on this topic will appear in
the Winter “Scribbler II,” CHS’s newsletter and there will be a presentation on
this topic in June at the Museum.
If you can help with any of the following, please
contact CHS; 802-226-7807 or PO
Box 472, Cavendish, VT 05142
• CHS is looking for new board members as well as
volunteers who can help with various activities.