May 27 (Sunday): The CHS Museum opens for the season. Hours are Sundays, 2-4 from Memorial
Day weekend to Columbus Day Weekend (Oct. 7). Other times can be arranged by
contacting CHS at the numbers above.
May 30 (Wednesday): Memorial Day celebrated in Cavendish
June 30 (Saturday): Annual Plant Sale. If you have items you would like to donate to the
sale, please contact CHS at the numbers above.
July 28 (Saturday): Cavendish Town Wide Tag Sale. CHS will be on the Proctorsville Green
September 9 (Sunday): Annual Phineas Gage Walk and Talk, 2-4 pm. The “talk”
begins at 2 pm at the Museum and will be followed by the walk to the scene of
the accident, with stops at the site of the boarding house where Gage stayed as
well as the surgery of Dr. Harlow.
annual plant sale takes place on June 30 (Saturday), from 9-1, in front of the
CHS Museum in Cavendish. Our Carmine Guica Young Historians, from Cavendish
Town Elementary School’s 5th grade have been planting a wide variety
of herbs- sweet basil, oregano, thyme, parsley, English lavender, cilantro, sage,
and rosemary for the sale. There will also be lots of hosta and a variety of
other perennials, as well as container tomato plants. If you have plants you
would like to donate to the sale, you can drop them off at the Museum the day
of the sale, or contact us at the numbers above and we can help with
With 2018 marking the 100th
birthday of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the 170th anniversary of
Phineas Gage’s accident, Cavendish is celebrating two of its most historical
On September 13, 1848, Phineas Gage, a foreman, was
working with his crew excavating rocks in preparing the bed for the Rutland and
Burlington Railroad in Cavendish. An accidental explosion of a charge Gage had
set blew his tamping iron through his head. Not only did he survive the
accident, but he lived for 12 more years and became the first documented case
of traumatic brain injury (TBI), ushering in a new understanding of the brain.

Other than their Cavendish
connections, and sharing a significant anniversary in 2018, what else could
these two men have in common?
• They both lived for
extended periods of time in countries other than where they were born-Gage in
Chile and Solzhenitsyn in the United States.
• Both nearly died, Gage from
his injury and subsequent infections and Solzhenitsyn from metastatic cancer,
and an assassination attempt by the KGB.
• Both played a role in
changing history-Gage’s injury and recovery was the gateway to the modern
understanding of the brain and the field of neurology. Solzhenitsyn’s writings
contributed to the end of the Soviet Union.
One of their most significant
commonalities maybe their resiliency-that ability to adapt over time to
life-changing situations and stressful conditions.
The American Psychological
Association has identified five factors that contribute to people becoming
Having caring and supportive relationships within and
outside the family: Research
indicates that having good relationships with close family, friends, neighbors
or others is possibly the most important factor for developing resilience. Accepting help and support as well as
assisting others in their time of need is of great benefit.
Capacity to make realistic plans and take steps to
carry them out. Recognizing that
change is part of life, stressful events happen and understanding that crisis
isn’t necessarily insurmountable is key. Accepting circumstances-e.g. having a
brain injury, being imprisoned or exiled-can help to focus on circumstance that
can be altered by taking decisive actions.
Positive View of yourself and confidence in strengths
and abilities: People often learn
from adversity, recognizing their own growth as a result of loss.
Skills in communication and problem solving
Capacity to manage strong feelings and impulses
Below is a brief overview of
how Solzhenitsyn and Gage met this criteria. Note that while we have
Solzhenitsyn’s writings, his family, as well as various biographies, articles
and essays to drawn from, unfortunately, much less is known about Gage.
Gage: Within
hours of his injury, his family immediately gathered in Cavendish.
Throughout his life, Gage’s family was
an important touchstone for him. The Gages traveled by boat from Boston to San
Francisco, with Phineas disembarking in Santiago, Chili, where he worked as a
coachmen. When he became ill-most likely the development of epilepsy from his
brain injury-Gage returned to his family in San Francisco, where he ultimately
Once he returned home after
his accident, Gage knew he had to make a living. He recognized that he was a
curiosity so he spent several years “exhibiting” himself. The daguerreotype
shows him as well dressed and self confidant, though he was blind in one eye.
He carried his tamping rod with him everywhere he went and even had it
engraved- This is the bar that was shot
through the head of Mr. Phinehas P. Gage.” The engraver misspelled the
Again and again Gage would
show himself as resourceful. Whether he was exhibiting himself as a curiosity, working as a stage coach driver, or finding
work after he joined his family in San Francisco, Gage was rarely without work
even though by today’s standards he would have been considered compromised.
Poor impulse control and
being quick to anger are certainly characteristic of the type of TBI Gage sustained,
yet to drive a coach for as long as he did, first at what is now the Hanover
Inn in Hanover, NH and then in Santiago would have required that he learn to
master these behaviors.
Gage drove a Concord coach in Santiago for
seven years, which required excellent cognitive and motor skills. An 1860 advertisement says the 13 hour, 110
mile journey from Valparaiso to Santiago started at 4am. Passengers paid
$10.00 for the journey and were allowed 50 pounds of luggage. Before
arriving at the starting station at 4 a.m. Phineas would have had to check (if
not actually perform) the feeding, grooming and harnessing of the horses.
Once there he would have had to load the luggage, collect the fares, give
change, make the passengers comfortable, and keep them so for the next 13
hours. He would have driven back to Valparaiso 24 hours after arrival in
Santiago. Psychosocial Adaptation http://www.uakron.edu/gage/adaptation.dot
Dr. Henry Trevitt, of
Valparasio knew Gage well and reported he
was engaged in stage driving; and that he was in the enjoyment of good health,
with no impairment whatever of his mental faculties. Not only did
Gage have to learn the complexities of his job, but he would have also had to
adapt to a completely new way of life Chile. It is possible that his highly
structured occupation as coach driver helped to “rewire his brain,” much as
current rehabilitation programs, based on “neuroplasticity,” provide today’s
TBI patients.
interesting side note, it would be a cousin of Gage’s, Fred “Rusty” Gage, that
would pioneer the field of neuroplasticity-the human brain is capable of generating
nerve cells throughout life. Until then it was believed that humans are born
with all their brain cells and lose them as they age. Rusty Gage’s research is
paving the way for not only new treatments for those with TBI, but also stroke
and Alzheimer’s Disease. When asked about tips for a successful research
career, Rusty Gage stated, “Don’t plan too far in advance; be open to new
opportunities and ways of looking at the world.” And when asked what did he
think his biggest accomplishments outside of the lab would be, he noted,
“Having a family that apparently still loves me.” It would seem that the Gage family understands
the basics of resiliency.
Even though his father died in a hunting accident before he was born, he was
much loved by his mother and her family. In fact, his mother never remarried as
she didn’t want a step father that would be too hard on him.
While living in Cavendish, Solzhenitsyn was surrounded
with strong support by his wife, Natalia, her mother and their sons. Everyone
was involved in the “family business” as Solzhenitsyn spent his time writing
“The Red Wheel.” The children would type, his wife would edit, and his
mother-in-law had the precise task of carefully turning every letter into
Cyrillic script, since the IBM Selectric typewriters did not have a Russian
Solzhenitsyn returned
Cavendish’s gift of privacy and sanctuary by offering safety to other’s in
exile, including the Soviet dissident Aleksandr Ginsburg. In addition, the
royalties in the West from “Gulag Archipelago,” were used to establish an aid program,
the Solzhenitsyn Fund, to help Soviet political prisoners and their families.
His experience in “external
conditions of unfreedom” (being in the forced labor camps) helped him formulate
the idea that true freedom is possible even in the most restrictive human
situations. He wrote in From Under the
Rubble, “We are creatures born with
inner freedom of will, freedom of choice-the most part of freedom is a gift to
us at birth. External, or social freedom is very desirable for the sake of
undistorted growth, but it is no more than a condition, a medium, and to regard
it as the object of our existence is nonsense. We can firmly assert our freedom
even in external conditions of unfreedom.”
Solzhenitsyn expressed his
inner freedom and individuality by continuing to write while in prison. When he
could not write prose, he memorized verse. His role as writer and truth teller
was so central to who he was that when he was told that his cancer had returned
and only had a few weeks to live, he proceeded to hide his writings in bottles,
burying them in the hopes they would be found.
Through his writings, Solzhenitsyn provides clues to
how he and others endured life in the camps. In various novels, his characters
engage in various forms of “mindfulness” -focusing on the present moment in a
non judgmental way. Research is now showing that mindfulness breeds resilience.
“Satiety depends not at all on how
much we eat, but on how we eat. It's the same with happiness, the very
same...happiness doesn't depend on how many external blessings we have snatched
from life. It depends only on our attitude toward them. There's a saying about
it in the Taoist ethic: 'Whoever is capable of contentment will always be
satisfied.” In the First Circle
In “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” at the close of day,
the “zek,” (prisoner) engages in what is now encouraged by positive psychologists-acknowledging
the good that is in your daily life. Shukhov felt pleased with life as he
went to sleep. A lot of good things had happened that day. He
hadn't been thrown in the hole. The gang hadn't been dragged off to Sotsgorodok.
He'd swiped the extra gruel at dinnertime. The foreman had got a good
rate for the job. He'd enjoyed working on the wall. He hadn't been
caught with the blade at the search point. He'd earned a bit from Tsezar
that evening. And he'd bought his tobacco.
you have not joined the Cavendish Historical Society, need to renew your
membership, and/or would like to be a volunteer, please complete the form below
and sending a check, payable to CHS, to CHS, PO Box 472, Cavendish, VT 05142.
All contributions are tax deductible.
Name: _______________________________________
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65+ $5 ___ Sustaining Member $500
Household Member $15 ___ Contributing
Member $250
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__Archives _ Budget –– Cemetery __ Carmine Guica Young Historians
Donations are always welcome and can be designated as
__ For
general purposes __ Young Historians __Publications
Archeological Activities _ Museum & Archival __ Special Events
Rankin Fund __
Williams Fund __ Solzhenitsyn Project
Other (please specify) __ Cemetery Restoration __ Preservation Projects