We regret that the installation of the new doors is taking more time than originally anticipated and the Museum remains closed.
The Cavendish Historical Society's accepts tax-deductible contributions to help preserve our history. You can reach us at margocaulfield@icloud.com 802-226-7807 or PO Box 472 Cavendish, VT 05142 The CHS Museum is located at 1958 Main Street (Route 131) in Cavendish.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Sunday, September 23, 2018
Museum Closed for Door Repair
New doors are being installed in the Cavendish Historical society (CHS) Museum. Consequently the Museum will be closed on Sunday, Sept. 23. We regret any inconvenience. To arrange for a visit at another time, please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail margocaulfield@icloud.com
Monday, September 3, 2018
CHS Briefs September 1, 2018
Where did the summer go? It’s flown by and we’re already immersed in school programing, Phineas Gage and much more.

Board member, Bruce McEnaney has wanted for
years to take the kids on the Foliage Train. On Oct. 16 (Wed) we will be taking
the 4th grade students on a guided tour where they will learn a lot
about how and why the towns developed, the impact the railroad had and much
more. We are working closely with Green Mountain Railroad who has offered a
special discounted price for adults who wish to join us that day. If interested
please call 802-226-7807 or e-mail margocaulfield@icloud.com
Solzhenitsyn:. Recently
public access station, Okemo Valley TV filmed the CHS Solzhenitsyn exhibit.
This is available at their website as well as being aired on Comcast TV. VT Digger has also posted an article
Solzhenitsyn’s Adopted State Marks his 100th.
An evolving calendar for the months ahead includes:
• September 7-8: Reading Solzhenitsyn: An International Conference Margo Caulfield will be speaking on Sept 7 as part of the program for teachers.
Her talk will be “The
Stories behind the Quotes: Using Solzhenitsyn's Writings for 21st Century
• October 15: Publication of “Between Two Millstones,Book 1.” Fast-paced, absorbing, and as
compelling as the earlier installments of his memoir The Oak and the Calf
(1975), Between Two Millstones begins on February 12, 1974, when
Solzhenitsyn found himself forcibly expelled to Frankfurt, West Germany, as a
result of the publication in the West of The Gulag Archipelago.
Solzhenitsyn moved to Zurich, Switzerland, for a time and was considered the
most famous man in the world, hounded by journalists and reporters. During this
period, he found himself untethered and unable to work while he tried to
acclimate to his new surroundings. There are passages on Solzhenitsyn’s family
and their property in Cavendish, Vermont, whose forested hillsides and harsh
winters evoked his Russian homeland, and where he could finally work
undisturbed on his ten-volume history of the Russian Revolution, The Red
• November 15: Vermont Historical Society at the University
Heights South, Room 133. Presentation by
Margo Caulfield “I Wrote and Waited": Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s Life in
Cavendish, VT
• Margo will also be doing a presentation for the Oshler
Center for Life Long Learning at Dartmouth. Date to be announced.
• The Solzhenitsyn exhibit continues at the Vermont
Historical Society Museum in Montpelier until October 20.

Oct. 7 (Sunday): 1st
Peoples of Cavendish Talk will focus on the earliest occupants of the land,
dating back 11,000 years ago. It will include a discussion of how North America
became occupied and evidence of first occupation in Cavendish. The talk begins
at 2 pm.
If you can help with
any of the following, please contact CHS margocaulfield@icloud.com; 802-226-7807 or PO Box 472, Cavendish, VT 05142
• Baby Boomers: Recently CHS acquired a fan
from the 1950s and it has sparked a conversation that we have far more examples
of life in 1800s Cavendish then we do from more recent times. If you have items
you would like to donate, CHS is working on a “Life in Cavendish-Baby Boomer
• CHS is looking for
new board members as well as volunteers who can help with various activities.
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