Thursday, September 1, 2022

CHS Briefs September 2022

Welcome to the September issue of the Cavendish Historical Society (CHS) Briefs. The weather is cooling and students are back in school. Hard to believe that summer is over and the sunflowers blooming next to the steps of the Museum are sounding the last hurrah of the lazy warm days. 

If you have questions, would like to volunteer with CHS, or have items for the CHS Cares Closet please e-mail or call 802-226-7807.


BRENDA’S JACKET: Seven years ago, Brenda Gregory gave a talk to the Cavendish Town Elementary School 6th grade about her experiences in WWII. She started by asking the students what they did after school. Video games, having a snack, visiting a friend, playing sports etc. was the norm for these 21st century kids. 


Brenda proceeded to tell them about her childhood in Newton, New Jersey, which she described as being similar to Cavendish. Ten years old when the war began, she’d come home from school and would do her bit for the war effort by tending the family’s Victory Garden, babysitting and taking a shift in the town’s “spotter tower.” She collected patches from the various soldiers she met in town, or through letter writing and amazed quite a collection. At the end of her presentation, she held up two jackets she had made. On the back was “Brenda” stenciled in black ink with the patches covering back, front and sleeves of each jacket. The kids were in awe.


Known as the “queen” of swimming lessons, which she taught for 50 years, she wore the jackets when she was a life guard. The wear and tear can easily be seen as they have been stitched, repaired and re stitched in various spots. 


Brenda died in 2020. This summer, her daughter Kathleen donated the jackets to CHS. We’re in the process of identifying the patches and hope to have both the jackets and the information for each patch on display for the 2023 season. With more than 100 patches to identify, it’s going to be a fun project for the cold snowy days ahead. 


A very special thank you to the Gregory family for their donation. What a great way to teach future generations about WWII, as well as remember Brenda. 


INTERESTED IN ARCHIVAL WORK? CHS is going to be relocating the archives in 2023. Before they are moved, a lot of work is needed in sorting and cataloguing. It’s very interesting work and you’ll learn a lot. If interested, contact us at the numbers above


YOUNG HISTORIANS: With the start of the new school year, we’ve lots of activities and trips planned for September at CTES. Once again, as part of CHS’s Preserve & Serve program, students will be helping community members with raking and other fall chores. We’re particularly looking forward to the 4-6th grades field trip to Castleton University to participate in an archeological dig. 



-       Carmine Guica Young Historians Update: Providing teachers, students, families and the community with information on town, state and national history for the month ahead. 

-       Summer CHS Newsletter 



September 10 (Saturday): 
Honey Fest at the Golden Stage Inn off Depot St. in Proctorsville. CHS will once again be able to offer candle dipping. This is a free event, open to the public from 10-4

September 11 (Sunday): Annual Phineas Gage Walk & Talk, begins 2 pm at the Museum. Wear comfortable walking shoes. 

October 9 (Sunday): Talk on the “Columbian Exchange,” which refers to the transfer of plants, animals, precious metals, commodities, culture, human populations, technology, disease and ideas between the Americas and Afro-Eurasia after 1492. Talk begins at 2 pm. This is the last Sunday the Museum is open.

December (Date to be announced): Christmas Ghost Walk Proctorsville



Donations for CHS can be sent to CHS, PO Box 472, Cavendish, VT 05142. Checks should be payable to the Cavendish Historical Society.





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